Official COVID-19 Updates

We're committed to your safety.

A Message from Our CEO

Nothing is more important to us than the well-being of our employees. Our leadership and human resources teams are doing everything they can to ensure we are providing our consultants with information regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus). We pledge to share our updated responses with you as quickly as possible, with full transparency and your safety in mind.

If you have any questions at all about this situation, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


George Karakostantis
CEO, The Select Group

As always, if you are sick, we do not want you to come to work and expose others to any potentially contagious viruses. We urge you to follow public health guidance and stay home while ill.

We encourage you to continue to follow precautions and good health habits:

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer (>60%) when hand washing is not an option
  • Avoid close contact of people who are ill
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands
  • Work/stay at home when feeling ill or experiencing fever, including when coughing and for at least 24 hours after resolution of fever without any anti-inflammatory medications
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue and then discard the tissue
  • Limit travel to countries adjacent to those with COVID-19 outbreaks
  • Continue to follow the guidance of governing health authorities in your home state

Additional Resources
As this situation evolves, regular updates and advisories will be sent out. You can also view the most up-to-date information from the:

August 24, 2021
The Select Group is monitoring the current COVID-19 surge across the United States and Canada, including cases driven by the Delta variant. We are taking appropriate steps to ensure the safety of our consultants, clients, internal staff, and the communities we live in and serve.
  • We’re adhering to individual clients’ policies regarding consultants working at client locations or working remotely. If you have a question or concern about your client’s specific COVID-19 response, please reach out to our HR team.
  • If you test positive for COVID-19 or come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please email your main point of contact with TSG immediately. If you are unable to reach your POC or are unsure of who to contact, email TSG Human Resources.
  • Our company is focused on its people, and that remains more important than ever during this situation as we place our top priority on health and safety. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding TSG’s policies or the steps we are taking.
May 11, 2020
The month of May is recognized nationally as Mental Health Month by Mental Health America. Since 1949, the group has used this month to raise awareness of mental health, educate the public about the realities of living with mental health conditions, and provide strategies for attaining positive mental health and wellness. This year’s theme is Tools 2 Thrive, and with what the world is currently facing, it has never been more important than now for us to focus on our mental health.TSG’s continued commitment to our people is providing information and resources that help you develop, both in business and in life. Having a positive mental health state is so important in becoming the best you, which is why The Select Group is joining in on the goal to fight stigma and provide resources to our employees and consultants.As we recognize Mental Health Month in May, we’d like to invite you to join us for a conversation with James “Mac” McPartland, author of the Unopened Gifts series and executive coach. For over 25 years, he has been helping leaders and their teams access breakthrough performance and results. Mac has worked with organizations such as Bank of America, IBM, Nespresso, Kellogg’s, Dow Chemical, Athletes First, and 24 Hour Fitness to transform their cultures into ones of exceptional collaboration and achievement.Mac will be hosting The Select Group consultants, clients, and internal employees for an exclusive conversation to help us identify “Moments of Impact” on Thursday, May 14, from 11:30-12:30 Eastern. The purpose of this session is to inspire, connect, and provide a tangible action plan given our “new normal” way of doing life and business.

To register, click here. We hope you will join us!

Additional Tools 2 Thrive, and some favorites from the TSG Experience team:

If you want to learn more about MHA, please visit Mental Health America.

May 7, 2020
With everything going on, we wanted to touch base and remind you that we are here to support you. Our teams across the US and Canada are diligently working with clients and consultants, alike, to keep business and projects moving forward.We recognize the topic of when we will return to the office and what that might look like remains top of mind for many of you. While we have no guarantee on when we all might be able to return to life as normal, we want you to know that our TSG family is here with you, step-by-step, to try and mitigate uncertainty. The Select Group is working with each client on an individual basis with your health and safety as a top priority, while also taking state and local guidance into account. This will be a continued approach for the foreseeable future.COVID-19 reminders and resources:

  • If you test positive for COVID-19, come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or have been instructed to self-quarantine by a healthcare provider, please email The Select Group’s Human Resources department immediately.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding TSG’s policies or steps we are taking. We will continue to post consultant updates on this page.

Thank you for everything you are doing to continue to make an impact in the world.

April 29, 2020

Global Knowledge Learning Platform Offerings
During this challenging time, The Select Group’s Experience team is doing all it can to help you. The most recent offering is our enhanced partnership with Global Knowledge.

This partnership brings you certifications, courses and programs that have been heavily discounted. As a TSG Consultant, you can enjoy a multitude of offerings from the Global Knowledge Learning Platform. This gives you access to certifications from Cisco, Red Hat and Microsoft, just to name a few.

Click here to explore the full list of pricing and certifications and courses offered. Please contact for more information.

Featured Blog: Observations from a Video Chat Beginner
The recent pandemic has forced the masses to join the ranks of a workforce that works from home. For many, this is the first time ever working from home on a consistent basis.

With all the details to consider, from setting up an “office” to accessing high-speed internet, VPN login and so on, TSG Experience Team member Wade Tulk became quickly overwhelmed! He found the biggest challenge to be none other than learning to communicate virtually. As a true video chat novice, Wade made every video conferencing etiquette mistake possible. Read more about Wade’s rookie introduction to virtual communication.

Impacting Lives? Share your story!
We love hearing and sharing uplifting stories from our TSG Family! During a time when we are all coming together to support one another, TSG would like to hear how you’ve positively impacted those around you. Are there organizations you’re supporting or people you’ve helped? Share your story with us here!

COVID-19 Updates
The Select Group is continually monitoring this situation and taking all precautions necessary and in accordance with the CDC and World Health Organization. We are currently working on a case-by-case basis for consultants or clients who may be impacted by COVID-19. As individual states begin to open businesses for work, please consult with your manager on best practices.

April 13, 2020
At The Select Group, our mission is to impact lives, one positive experience at a time. That’s why CXO Jeff Zirker spearheaded the TSG Experience team several years ago. Over time, this team has grown into a task force led by Missy McCormick and supported by Wade Tulk and Leigh-Wallace Dodd. We’re here to enhance your experience as a TSG employee by providing support and opportunities to develop both personally and professionally.As we navigate uncharted territories across the globe with COVID-19, the Experience team is here to support you and ensure you have access to tools and resources to stay safe and healthy. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you as we band together during these challenging times. Feel free to email us at – we are here to help!Guidance for managing a work-life balance
Resources for coping with stress, anxiety, and workAs we adjust to a “new normal” across the US and Canada, our team will continue to share resources with you for managing stress, anxiety, and work. We hope you’ll find value in this guidance as we navigate COVID-19 together.

Exclusive video from Dr. Sierakowski of Essential Health & Wellness
Watch this exclusive video from TSG wellness consultant and esteemed physician Dr. Elizabeth Sierakowski on creating routine, embracing change, and acknowledging feelings.

Upcoming Events
Keep checking your inbox for updates on upcoming TSG Virtual Wellness events. If you have any questions or suggestions about our wellness initiatives, please email

We encourage you to continue to protect your health and follow official safety guidelines. Please continue to visit this page for resources and continued updates from The Select Group on COVID-19.

Kind regards,

The TSG Experience team
Missy McCormick, Senior Director of People Strategy
Jeff Zirker, Chief Experience Officer
Wade Tulk, Director of Consultant Experience
Leigh-Wallace Dodd, Manager of Workforce Development

April 3, 2020
From our family to yours, we hope this message finds you safe and well. We are committed to keeping you in touch with the latest updates from The Select Group regarding COVID-19.If you test positive for COVID-19, come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or have been instructed to self-quarantine by a healthcare provider, please email Human Resources Department immediately.Cyber-Scam Notice and FBI PSA
Please be aware that some individuals are actively taking advantage of concerns about COVID-19 through e-mail and social media phishing. As you know, these phishing scams are designed to trick you into stealing passwords, money, sensitive information, or loading malware on your device.The Select Group is continuing to monitor new legislation and its impact. All non-essential travel for our consultants and employees continues to be suspended until further notice.

Our company is focused on its people, and that remains more important than ever during this situation as we place our top priority on health and safety.

March 18, 2020
The Select Group is continuing to monitor the spread of COVID-19 (the Coronavirus) across the United States and Canada. We are taking appropriate steps to ensure the safety of our employees, consultants, clients, and the communities we live in and serve. We have contingency plans in place to safeguard our team members and reduce disruptions to our business operations.The Select Group is adhering to individual clients’ policies regarding consultants working at client locations or staying at home. If you have a question about your client’s specific COVID-19 response, please reach out to us.If you test positive for COVID-19 or come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please email The Select Group’s Human Resources Department immediately.We have a team working to enforce the following measures company-wide:

  • We are working with individual clients on their contingency planning and will continue to monitor our support as the situation evolves.
  • All non-essential travel for our consultants and employees has been suspended until further notice.

Our company is focused on its people, and that remains more important than ever during this situation as we place our top priority on health and safety. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding TSG’s policies or steps we are taking.

March 11, 2020
Coronavirus Consultant FAQs
We have been receiving many questions regarding our response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. Below are our answers to the most frequently asked questions.Q: What are you doing to prepare for the Coronavirus outbreak?
A: The Select Group is continually monitoring this situation and taking all precautions necessary and in accordance with the CDC and WHO. We are currently working on a case-by-case basis for consultants or clients who may be impacted by COVID-19.Q: Can I work from home?
A: Consultants should follow direction provided by each specific client regarding work-from-home policies and scenarios.We understand that several of our clients have taken custom approaches to reduce the risk of potentially spreading the virus among its employees. TSG works as an extension of your client and is complying with those specific recommendations.

Q: What can I do to help?
A: Stay safe and healthy! We also ask you keep your recruiter and/or account manager abreast on any changing work situation that’s directed by your client or hiring manager.

If your question has not been answered by the above responses, please contact our Human Resources team.

March 4, 2020
With the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, the safety and well-being of our employees, consultants, clients, partners, and broader community are a top priority for The Select Group (TSG). We are actively working with our clients to ensure the safety of our consultants on-site. The following advisory outlines TSG’s response to mitigate the spread of the virus and outlines important actions and precautions that everyone should take.As this situation evolves, regular updates and advisories will be sent out. You can also view the most up-to-date information from the CDC and World Health Organization.Travel Restrictions
TSG is closely monitoring travel advisories from relevant public health and governmental authorities where our consultants may travel or where they may currently be working. CDC guidance on travel can be found here.Out of an abundance of caution, and in line with current CDC guidance, we request that consultants returning to the U.S. and Canada from mainland China, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Singapore, Italy and Iran avoid work at TSG and client facilities for at least two weeks upon their return. We also request that anyone returning from these locations that feel ill or have any symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath seek medical care as needed, and not visit or work at TSG or client facilities until you are well and without symptoms.

Please contact Human Resources if you believe this policy impacts you.

Cyber-Phishing Notice
Please be aware that some individuals are actively taking advantage of concerns about COVID-19 through e-mail and social media phishing. As you know, these phishing scams are designed to trick you into stealing passwords, money, sensitive information or loading malware on your device. We recommend you flag any suspicious e-mails and report them to your email provider for review.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time, and we will keep you informed of any new developments that may impact you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Human Resources at

Complete the form to contact
our Human Resources team
about any questions or
concerns you have regarding
our response to COVID-19
and/or its impact on you.

Contact Human Resources